On Thursday, September 10th, Climate Assembly UK (@NetZeroUK) will publish their final report The Path to Net Zero. This report, capturing the work of over a 100 members of the public, spanning a number of months, will lay out a detailed and coherent path to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to net zero for the UK by 2050 (for more information visit 

The work of Climate Assembly UK was commissioned by six UK Government select committees and brought together over 100 people from across the UK with diverse interests and opinions; collectively they were representative of the UK population as a whole.

Over six weekends in spring 2020 the group learnt from a range of speakers about climate change and how the UK can address it, took time to discuss this and then made a series of recommendations.  Initially meeting in person in Birmingham, the final meetings took place online following the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The work of Climate Assembly UK is a fantastic example and endorsement of, the value of involving people in significant policy debate and decisions.  Understanding the experiences, perspectives and views of the public only strengthens decision-making, whether it is at a local, national or global level.

Between September 21st and 24th Measuring the Mountain will be streaming sessions from its Citizens’ Jury on social care in Wales.  This work brings together 14 members of the public – the Jurors - to hear from speakers from across the social care sector, they will ask the speakers questions, consider what they have heard and on the 25th they will agree a series of recommendations.  These recommendations will be presented to Welsh Government and shared with organisations across Wales.

To tackle large-scale, complicated topics like climate change and social care, a collective approach that draws in people’s experiences and perspectives and builds on the incredible knowledge that comes from living with something every day, is vital.  Working with people, whether that is 100 plus at a Citizens’ Assembly, or 12 to 16 as a Citizens’ Jury, to address these complex issues that face our communities will lead to greater understanding and so better decision-making. 


Measuring the Mountain is a Welsh Government funded project contributing to the evaluation of the early impact of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act.

For the latest programme updates and ways to watch the Citizens’ Jury visit, follow and @mtmwales and subscribe to MtM’s YouTube channel (search for ‘Measuring the Mountain’ on YouTube).

Climate Assembly UK is a project by House of Commons, with Involve (@involveUK), Sortition Foundation (@SortitionNow) and my Society (@mySociety) -